Well it’s 2013 and here at Bridge Farm we’re all looking forward to a great year.
2012 was eventful with lot’s of things happening on the yard and a whole host of new friends arriving.
We’ve been really happy to see some lovely Connemara Ponies coming to stay, although some haven’t spent that much time with us before they’ve gone on to enjoy their new homes and new owners.
We’re putting our 2013 training program together for the young Connemara’s that are slowly being brought in to be brought on.
There’s some very exciting prospects in our current herd and some great times to look forward to in 2013 with all the real characters among them.
And the fox red puppies are adorable, mischievous playful, into everything and keeping Donna very busy.
Belinda and Jody are enjoying all the new equine personalities and the new challenges, as are Paul and Taylor (our very special and youngest farm hand).
Richard and Adam are busy, busy, busy around the farm, Samantha is back in the saddle and Emma is busy growing our next farmhand or show jumper.
There’s new roadways in, a new arena surface laid and a hundred different jobs to do.
It’s wintry weather now, it’s cold and there’s short days and long nights but everyday brings us closer to spring grass and frisky ponies.
Bridge Farm is growing and expanding all around us. Our ponies are growing and together with our livery clients they’re keeping us all on our toes.
It’s 2013 and 2012 is falling far behind us; we’re positive; we’re optimistic, we’re looking for new challenges; we want to meet new people and make new things happen.
We’re all working hard, it’s in our nature to do so, and we’re all just as determined to play hard too.
Here’s wishing that all our friends, our clients and our staff are just as positive and just as determined to work hard and play hard too.