Checking a Golden Retrievers skin regularly is a must, as skin problems and conditions are common in Goldens. Although skin checks should be a routine part of any vet exam, owners should also be on the lookout for anything new and unusual. Lu…
A Healthy Golden Retriever
Dog owners should take these few small but essential steps to ensure their healthy Golden Retriever enjoys a long life.
Providing proper daily care is key as is being able to recognise the signs of trouble early.
Healthy Golden Retrievers aren't just well loved family pets, they're also extraordinary working dogs, which is why keeping them healthy should be the main goal of any responsible Golden dog owner.
And while this gun dog breed has its fair share of common doggy ailments, a healthy Golden retriever doesn't have to succumb to them.
By following these few simple health tips, Golden Retriever owners can ensure their dog stays happy, healthy and disease free.
Regularly Check Your Golden Retriever for Skin Problems
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